22. September 2024 05:23
by nKast
The new version of KNI 3.14.9001 brings advances in the graphics backends, bug fixes, and implementation of missing features. A more detailed list of the changes is available on the changelog.
Download KNI v3.14 today.
See migrate to v3.14 on how to upgrade your current projects.
Graphics convergence
Bringing all the platforms together under a common API is a core goal of the KNI Framework. Version 3.13 introduced partial support for HiDef/WebGL2 in BlazorGL platform to allow 32 indicies. This versions adds support for float surface types in textures (Single, Vector2, Vector4), TextureCube, SM 3.0 derivative functions, GetData(..) for vertex & index buffers, and multiple render targets.
What that means, is that you can bring your desktop game to web easier, perform complex calculations in the GPU, and use more advanced rendering techniques.
Below you can see the Deferred Rendering sample, running on the browser!

(Live Web Demo)
But also, it's now possible to run the Ship-Game sample!

(Live Web Demo)
To bring parity to all platforms, some of those improvements were also brought to GL ES. More specifically, multiple render targets and multisampling render targets. Below is the Deferred Rendering sample, running on Android!

The main driver to support a full range of graphics features on Android come from the need to support VR/XR running natively on the latest Oculus/Meta headsets. As you can see multisampling can makes a big difference in 3D visuals.

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