
pixel perf-ect

5. February 2014 03:20
by nKast

CPU Skinning: ARM-NEON

5. February 2014 03:20 by nKast | 0 Comments

 One of the nice things about Windows Phone 7 was the experimental support for ARM-NEON instructions. What it did, was generate NEON instructions for XNA's build in vector classes. It greatly improved performance on things like Physics, Particles, Geometry generation,etc. I used this from the very beginning on The Juggler to improve Farseer physics and later on Dr. Pickaxe to improve both Physics and CPU Skinning. In this forum @Moblunatic describes how you can modify the CPU Skinning sample to get a ~40% improvement on WP7 devices.

As we moved our next project to WP8/MonoGame I decided to do again some measurements to see if I could do any optimization.


Platform Device Original NEON
XNA HD7 (WP7.5)  28,412ms 18,463ms
 L 620 (WP8)   8,750ms  14,159ms
 MonoGame  L 620 (WP8) 11,769ms 25,639ms


The first thing we notice is that on WP8 we no longer get the benefit of ARM-NEON. Even on old XNA projects the OS no longer use them. So you need to detect WP8, probably by checking for it via reflection, and use the original skinning code if you want maximum performance. 
 The same is true for MonoGame. You should revert back to the original code if you need max performance.

Assume nothing

One of the things I notice about the code, was that it makes a method call inside the loop, which in turn calls a second method. 

// skin all of the vertices
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
            ref cpuVertices[i].Position,
            ref cpuVertices[i].Normal,
            ref cpuVertices[i].BlendIndices,
            ref cpuVertices[i].BlendWeights,
            out gpuVertices[i].Position,
            out gpuVertices[i].Normal);


 I assumed that I could speed up the code significantly by removing the overhead caused by those calls by bringing the actual code inside the loop. This turn out to work for the neon version but I also got some weird artifacts on HD7, so I couldn't use it. 
 For the original code, the one I use for MonoGame, it made things worst! It turns out the code is not written this way for simplicity but there are some very clever optimizations going on. 
 Notice the use ref & out? This is like taking the address of -let's say- cpuVertices[i].Position and passing it down to the next method instead copying the struct to a local variable or keep accessing it through the cpuVertices[i] list. Since some platforms don't allow pointers/unsafe code the use of ref/out is a nice trick!

Platform Device Original NEON Original(flat) NEON(flat)
XNA HD7 (WP7.5)  28,412ms 18,463ms  34,210ms 14,099ms
 L 620 (WP8)   8,750ms  14,159ms  9,421ms  9,7598ms
 MonoGame  L 620 (WP8) 11,769ms 25,639ms 12,758ms 21,035ms




 If you still support WP7 with XNA, always use CPU skinning (the GPUs were really weak) enable NEON (EnableFPIntrinsicsUsingSIMD inside AssemplyInfo.cs), and use the NEON version of CPUSkinning.

 For WP8 the GPU is fast enough to do skinning, but you can always use that extra headroom for rich shading/post-proccessing/etc. Skinning is one of few things that you can move to a second thread so it comes for free if you do so. Use the original skinning code which is better optimized and performs better in the absence of NEON/XNA.


CPUSkinning - 02 - Neon.zip (10.99 mb)


2. February 2014 01:13
by nKast

CPU Skinning: Better Loading times

2. February 2014 01:13 by nKast | 0 Comments

One of the issues I had to resolve during the development of our next game was slow loading times on WP8. After some investigation I figure that about half of the time was spent on loading models with skinning information.

I use the code from the CPU Skinning sample. The sample demonstrate how to efficiently do animations on mobile devices which means all other aspects are left as simple as possible so you can adapt it to your needs easily. So, it comes as no surprise that the code depends on automatic serialization (reflection) which is not very efficient. Since we are going to talk about content loading on XNA / MonoGame this post apply to traditional GPU-skinning as well

Most of the CPU circles were wasted on serializing the list of Keyframes in AnimationClip. To resolve this we can write our own serializer. If you think this doesn't worth doing then take a look at the numbers below...

Platform Reader Loading Time
XNA automatic serialization 03,826 sec
custom AnimationClipReader 01,970 sec
MonoGame automatic serialization 14,263 sec
custom AnimationClipReader 07,284 sec

(Lumia 620). You can clearly see a drop by ~50% (Twice as Fast!).
The produced .xnb are also a bit smaller. 

he first step is to write a new ContentTypeWriter. Open the CpuSkinningPipelineExtensions project and add a new file named AnimationClipWriter.cs. Copy-paste the following code.


using CpuSkinningDataTypes;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Serialization.Compiler;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace CpuSkinningPipelineExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Writes out a KeyframeContent object to an XNB file to be read in as
    /// a Keyframe.
    /// </summary>
    class AnimationClipWriter : ContentTypeWriter<AnimationClip>
        protected override void Write(ContentWriter output, AnimationClip value)
            // write duration
            WriteDuration(output, value.Duration);
            WriteKeyframes(output, value.Keyframes);
        private void WriteDuration(ContentWriter output, TimeSpan duration)
        private void WriteKeyframes(ContentWriter output, IList<Keyframe> keyframes)
            Int32 count = keyframes.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Keyframe keyframe = keyframes[i];
        public override string GetRuntimeType(TargetPlatform targetPlatform)
            return "CpuSkinningDataTypes.AnimationClip, CpuSkinningDataTypes";
        public override string GetRuntimeReader(TargetPlatform targetPlatform)
            return "CpuSkinningDataTypes.AnimationClipReader, CpuSkinningDataTypes";


At this point you should rebuild the Content to get the new .XNB.

Next, Open the CpuSkinningDataTypes project and add a new file named AnimationClipReader.cs. Copy-paste the following code. 


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using System;
namespace CpuSkinningDataTypes
    /// <summary>
    /// A custom reader to read Keyframe.
    /// </summary>
    public class AnimationClipReader : ContentTypeReader<AnimationClip>
        protected override AnimationClip Read(ContentReader input, AnimationClip existingInstance)
            AnimationClip animationClip = existingInstance;
            if (existingInstance == null)           
                TimeSpan duration = ReadDuration(input);
                List<Keyframe> keyframes = ReadKeyframes(input, null);
                animationClip = new AnimationClip(duration, keyframes);
                animationClip.Duration = ReadDuration(input);
                ReadKeyframes(input, animationClip.Keyframes);
            return animationClip;                       
        private TimeSpan ReadDuration(ContentReader input)
            return new TimeSpan(input.ReadInt64());
        private List<Keyframe> ReadKeyframes(ContentReader input, List<Keyframe> existingInstance)
            List<Keyframe> keyframes = existingInstance;
            int count = input.ReadInt32();
            if (keyframes == null)
                keyframes = new List<Keyframe>(count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Keyframe keyframe = new Keyframe();
                keyframe.Bone = input.ReadInt32();
                keyframe.Time = new TimeSpan(input.ReadInt64());
                keyframe.Transform = input.ReadMatrix();
                if (existingInstance == null)
                    keyframes[i] = keyframe;
            return keyframes;



At this point you must make a few minor changes to AnimationClip & Keyframe classes.
Open AnimationClip.cs and change the access modifier of Duration to internal protected.

 public TimeSpan Duration { get; internal protected set; }


Now, open Keyframe.cs and replace all private modifiers to internal.

public class Keyframe
    public int Bone { get; internal set; }
    public TimeSpan Time { get; internal set; }
    public Matrix Transform { get; internal set; }
    internal Keyframe() {}

That's it!


If you want to know more about how content serialization works, 
see: XNA custom content writer/reader part 1: Introduction.

The .zip file below has some extra changes to correctly reload the model after Resuming under WP8/MonoGame. If you need these changes, make sure to copy both the CpuSkinnedModelWriter.cs CpuSkinnedModelReader.cs to your project and then rebuild your content.



 CPUSkinning - 01 - Loader.zip (7.18 mb)